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CRM Cabbie provides advisors with an expert support staff. Our mission is to make sure advisors are able to leverage the power of CRM in order to meet the goals of their firm. Our work begins with a comprehensive meeting to learn what the goals of the firm are, the procedures that make the firm successful, and how the firm operates. We can not determine how to get you where you want to be until we know where you are going. 


Once we have understand the needs and goals of the firm, we will provide a proposal that details how we can help. There is a fee for this proposal. We only explore relationships with advisors who are serious about working with us. At that point we must each decide if we are willing to make a commitment. We do not take on every client. We only work with clients who have the same values and drive that we do.


If we determine the fit is not right, we will disengage. If we all agree to move forward, we begin with our first contract. No advisor is exactly the same, so each proposal plan is slightly different. Below are samples of what we can provide, prices and services are subject to change.

Advisor Package 1

One man office, small budget, just needs help with the small things.

Redtail CRM Database Management

Database set up assistance and dedicated operator

  • Data Input

  • Clean up and organization of all CRM contact records (Clean data in, clean data out)

  • Database organization (Quicklists, Client/Prospect Segmentatioon)

  • Client Tracking and Monitoring (Update record notes, tasks, information etc)

  • Notes Input and Organization – dictation services (Copy Talk, Mobile Assistant etc)

  • Prospect Management – segmentation, tracking, reporting

  • Action and Task Tracking – actions input from dictated notes, assigned and monitored

  • Opportunities – opportunities input and report managed

  • Report/quick list set up and management

  • Set up and maintain the integrations currently offered in the Redtail CRM (including Redtail Imaging)

  • Monthly database reports for advisor and staff meetings

Total Monthly Cost: $750.00

Advisor Package 2

Small office of 1 advisor/advisor team and 1 or 2 assistants, new to CRM, wants to integrate proactive communication and integrations into their pactice.


All services in Advisor Package 1 plus:


Contact & Relationship Management


  • Contact & Relationship Management

  • Birthday Letters

  • Get Well Letters

  • Congratulations Letters

  • Wedding Anniversary Letters & Reminders

  • Thank you Letters

  • Hand Holding Letters

  • Condolence Letters

  • Satisfactory Surveys

  • Intro Process for New Clients (possible additional costs to rep depending on procedure)

  • Contact call set up

  • Review Scheduling and Preparation Procedures​

  • Integration Management

    • Set up and maintain the integrations currently offered in Redtail CRM (Including Redtail Imaging) or Microsoft Dynamics


Note – all letters must be created by the client or gathered from third party providers. Advisor covers costs of mailings/hard costs – letters generated in electronic format and printed by advisors staff

Total Monthly Cost: $1,000.00

Advisor Package 3

Large office, 1 advisor/advisor team and multiple staff. Needs the additional capacity only new staff can provide, but needs a lower cost solution.


All services in Advisor Package 1 & 2 plus:



Marketing Management


  • Work with the advisors to implement and manage their current marketing strategies or implement new ones based on the goals of their practice and the type of clients they service

  • Workshop Management –

    • List development

    • Timeline management

    • Invitations prepared/mailed

    • Responses tracked

    • Seminar Management tool maintained

  • Targeted mailings (designed by the advisors or selected from third party providers)

Note – all letters must be created by the client or gathered from third party providers. Advisor covers costs of mailings/hard costs – letters generated in electronic format and printed by advisors staff


Total Monthly Cost: $1,250.00


Advisor Package 4

Large office, 1 advisor/advisor team. Needs the additional capacity only new staff can provide, but needs a lower cost solution.


All services in Advisor Package 1, 2 & 3 plus:



Systems and Process Implementation and Management


  • Help design, refine and implement processes and systems created by our clients, their staff, and our firm as we work together to build your practice

  • Brainstorming and idea creation (collaboration)

  • Project management and implementation


Training and Communication


  • Provide on going assistant for adviosr and staff with a dedicated virtual staff

  • Provide consulting, training, and assistance for advisors and support staff

  • Minimum of weekly phone appointments to provide consistent communication and review of expectations, progress and assignments.


Note – at this point we are a full employee of the firm, working with you to continually improve your practice and implement ideas you come up with or ideas of our own that we develop as we work together over time.


Total Monthly Cost: $1,500.00


Special Projects
Have your own ideas or projects you need helpw with? Contact us today to discuss a one time project.

The list below contains examples of projects we have completed. Pricing varies with each project.


  • Link all contact records in database to their file locations in imaging software: $1.00 per contact

  • Set up all contact records (100) for easy mass mailing (Check address, salutations, and greetings): $500.00

  • Design appointment processing checklist for 5 types of office appointments: $500.00

  • Convert all current office form letters to mail merge documents for use in Redtail CRM: $500.00

  • Input all stored paper client contact files into new CRM system, 100 files: $1500.00

  • Implementation of Redtail CRM from prior database: $2000.00



These projects can be anything you need, contact us to get things done. 



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